Over the years, Dropbox has encountered numerous privacy-related problems and issues. Breach of data privacy laws is one of the primary problems. Threat actors used employee login information to steal 130 code repositories from one of Dropbox's GitHub accounts in November 2022, when the breach was discovered. Many of Dropbox's clients and users, including myself, have experienced injustice. My name is CJ Glickman, and I founded the media organization GLICKMAN DIGITAL MEDIA. For keeping user login data in an unencrypted manner, Dropbox has come under fire. My objective is to destroy Dropbox because they took my 4000 GB and invaded my privacy, which is what they considered to be a violation. Sensitive, valuable, and irreplaceable files are lost forever.
So if you decide because of what you read or heard, please, when you do cancel your subscription, there is that little box that asks why, if there is a other option you can type in, please type in CJ Glickman.